Sunday 9 February 2025  


DIDA 6.0m

DIDA 6.0m

Length overall:  6.21m
Measured length:     5.96m
Beam:      2.46m (extreme)
Depth:     0.78m
Tube diameter:     0.50m
Material:      Aluminium
Survey:       NSCV Class 2D or 1E

This RIB was made tough for a rough operating condition as a tender to a dive vessel and permanently moored overnight out in the reef.
Its Deadrise of 16° offers good stability at rest to passengers or divers and gives a dry ride while planning to their destination.
The aluminium tubes is an advantage for the RIB to go in a rough environment, it handles heavy sea pounding and beaching in a rocky cay.
The RIB can carry up to 12 passengers giving a good purpose as tender to a Reef dive/snorkel operator in the Great Barrier Reef, it can also serve as duckies to Coast Guard or rescue group, and can be converted to an assault boats for the Special Forces.

Ocean Freedom

ASTIG 7.2m

ASTIG 7.2m

Deck Length: 7.30m
Measured length: 7.30m
Beam: 3.00m
Depth: 0.98m
Material: Aluminium
Survey: NSCV Class 2C or 1D

The Astig hull has been developed to increase the crane slewing and lifting capacity for this crane barge. The hull has side buoyancy compartment voids shaped to a cathedral monohull for the whole length.
The hull has been approved for NSCV Class 2D operation without the need to fit those buoyancy materials for level flotation requirements on vessels less than 7.5m in length. So the hull has plenty of free under deck volume that can be used as being powered by an outboard motor.
The hull shape gives a smooth dry ride and capable of planning given enough power for it. It turns at maximum hull speed without slipping or heeling. Another bonus is it can be on a trailer.
The Astig is a versatile hull that can be modified to suit the following operational requirements to a–

  • Landing craft
  • Crane workboats
  • Fishing charter
  • Passenger / crew transfer boat
  • Parasailing

Maritime Safety Queensland - Cairns


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